
Johann Ludwig Bianconi (1717-1781)

Arzt, Schriftsteller und Diplomat.

"1742 Dr. der Medizin und Philosophie in Bologna; 1744 Leibarzt des Bischofs in Augsburg; 1750 Leibarzt des Kurfürsten in Dresden; 1764-1781 kursächsischer Minister (Diplomat) in Rom" - gnd, 05.10.2019

"Giovanni Ludovico Bianconi (1717 in Bologna – 1781 in Perugia), was an Italian doctor and antiquarian, a multi-facetted scholar who was mentor and correspondent of the connoisseur and early art historian, Johann Joachim Winckelmann. Bianconi was doctor at the court of Joseph Ignaz Philipp von Hessen-Darmstadt, Prince-Bishop of Augsburg, from 1744 and councillor to Augustus III, Elector of Saxony, at Dresden.

His Scritti tedeschi (1763) sent from Dresden to Marchese Filippo Hercolani and to Francesco Algarotti, described the assembly and furnishing of the Electoral paintings gallery, with which Algarotti had been closely concerned; the collection formed the nucleus of the Gemäldegalerie at Dresden, initiated with the block purchase of some hundred paintings from the Este collection, Modena, in 1745— which Bianconi enriched with the purchase of Raphael's Sistine Madonna in 1753— These Scritti tedeschi were edited and set in their historical context by Giovanna Perini (Argelato, 1998)." - (Wikipedia (en) 12.08.2021)

Mit tudunk


was born Bologna 1717. szeptember 30.
died Perugia 1781. január 01.


Student orvostudomány Bologna 1742
professional / worker Leibarzt Augsburg 1744-1750
fiancé Sophie von La Roche 1748
visitor Lengyelország 1750
professional / worker Leibarzt Drezda 1750-1764
professional / worker Róma 1764-1781

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